Warm-up: Instructor led group stretching 5 minutes 2 Rounds Partner medball clean and toss x 8 (4 each) 200 Meter run with medball Workout: A. 10 Minute clean work Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes 1 Hang power clean. 1 Hang squat clean. 1 Power clean. 1 Squat clean. Females 35/65# Males 45/95# B. “Never Leave the Bar” Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of: 5 Squat clean thrusters 115/75# 10 Barbell push ups 15 Bar facing burpees Powerlifting: A. Power Snatch. Snatch Balance. Overhead squat., 1.2.3. x 3 sets; Rest 5:00 B1. Bodyweight Thruster 5 x AMRAP @30×0; Rest 10 seconds B2. Muscle-ups 5 x AMRAP; Rest 5:00 C. Glute Ham Raises 4 x 10-15 reps @10×0; Rest 1:00 “CrossFit Vitality: The Kids Program” with Ameer Lambert-Smith,CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]