Warm-up: 2 Rounds: P1: 200 Meter run P2: 5 Sotts Press + 5 hand release burpees Workout: A. Overhead Squat 7 x 3 reps w/2 second hold at the bottom of each squat; Rest 3-5:00 B. Max rep overhead squats @95/65# x 1 attempt Powerlifting: A. Power clean – Build to a tough single in 10 minutes B1. Front Squat 5 x 2 reps @22×1 w/bands & chains; Rest 2:00 B2. Muscle-ups 5 x AMRAP; Rest 2:00 C. L-sit hold 3 x AMSAP; Rest 1:00 CrossFit For Hope and the Community – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]