Warm-up: 30 Second Row @50%, 30 Second Row @80%; 10 Sets
Workout: 5 Sets @97-100% 5 Heavy TnG Hang Power Snatch 10 Burpees 30 Second Max Effort Row Sprint Rest 6 Minutes between sets
Cool-down: Instructor led yoga cool down
Powerlifting: A1: High Bar Back Squat 5 x 4-5 @30×1; Rest 2:00 A2: Barbell Good Morning 5 x 8-10 @2121; Rest 2:00 B: Power Snatch – Work up to a heavy single in 10 minutes C1: Reverse Hypers 4 x 12-15; Rest 1:00 C2: GHD Sit-ups 4 x 15-20; Rest 1:00
“Train to Hunt” with Dan Staton and Kenton Clairmont by Again Faster Equipment, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov] “Great Training Meets Dot Com” with Greg Glassman – video [wmv] [mov]