Death by Bodyweight DeadLift 11min EMOM 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11 Reps BW/.75%BW 21 Minute AMRAP: -12/10 calorie Row or Bike -12 R Arm R Leg KB Deadlift 24/16kgs RX+32/24 MRX 20/12 -12 L Arm KB Shoulder To Overhead -12/10 calorie Bike or Row -12 L Arm L Leg KB Deadlift -12 R Arm KB Shoulder To Overhead Core Development -10 to 30 HSPUs or HSPU Progressions or Push-Ups -30 to 60 GHD Sit-Ups -Handstand Walk Practice = Box Circles in Pike Handstand Position 8 circles total (4 each direction) Friday Night FIGHT! This Friday, September 8th at 515PM! We WILL have childcare starting at 430PM. Partner WOD! For details, see post from Tuesday, September 5th. Our regular 515PM and 615PM classes on Friday are canceled.