Warm up: 500m row Instructor led group stretching WOD: A. 5minutes working on pistols, then Max pistols alternating legs in 5minutes B. 10minutes working on muscle ups, then 10-8-6-4-2 reps of: muscle ups box jumps 40″/30″ Powerlifting: A. Spend 20minutes working up to a 1RM bench press B. Spend 15minutes working up to a 1RM snatch C. Spend 15minutes working up to a 1RM clean & jerk REMINDER! Barbells for Boobs “Amazing Grace” TOMORROW at 9am!! Please arrive early to warm up on your own. If you do not preregister online, you can pay at the door!! $20 donation to Mammograms in Actions is requested. COME SUPPORT A GREAT CAUSE AND ENJOY AND AWESOME EVENT!!!