Warm-up: 500m Row followed by 4 alternating Tabata intervals of Double-unders and Wall ball shots. Workout: 5 Minute AMRAP @ 85% 10 Wall ball shots 20/14# 10 Kettlebell Swings 1.5/1 Pood Rest 5 Minutes 5 Minute AMRAP @85% 10 Box Jumps 24″ (Must step down every rep) 10 Deadlifts 135/95# Rest 5 Minutes 5 Minute AMRAP @ 85% 5 Burpees 25 Double-unders Cool-down: Sit quietly for 3 minutes focusing on deep breaths in through the nose out through the mouth and breathing from your stomach not your chest! Powerlifting: A. Pin Pull Deadlift 5-3-2-2-1-1; Rest 3:00 B1. Russian Step-ups 4 x 10; Rest 30 seconds between legs B2. Kettlebell Squat Clean 4 x 10; Rest 2:00 C1. Pistols 3 x 6-10 @51×0; Rest 30 seconds between legs C2. Glute Ham Raises @20×0; Rest 30 seconds “The Power of CrossPit” with John Hackleman by Again Faster Equipment, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov] “Reflections” with Annie Thorisdottir, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]