Run/Row 600m or 1.5k Bike x 8min E4MOM
(score is slowest time of the 2)
Team WOD #1
20min AMRAP:
P1 – 200m Run – P2 – 200m Row or 0.5k Bike
20 Synchronized Kettlebell Swings
15 Partner Passing WallBall Situps
10 Alternating Burpee Pull-Ups RX+ Chest to Bar
Kettlebells = 24/16kgs RX+32/24 MRX 20/12
Wallball Situps = 20/14 MRX 20/10
* P1 / P2 Switch Row/Bike/Run Each Round; Each pass is a rep on WB sit-ups*
Rest 3min
Team WOD #2
For Time: (5min cap)
P1 or P2 – 400m Run – P1 or P2 – 400m Row
30 Synchronized Kettlebell Swings
20 Partner Passing WallBall Situps
10 Alternating Burpee Pull-Ups RX+ Chest to Bar
Shoulder, Core & Grip Development
100m Double Kettlebell/Dumbbell Overhead Walk
2×10 Dumbbell/Kettlebell Curls
2×10 Kettlebell/Dumbbell See Saw Press
2×10 Reverse Hypers
2×10 Plate Pinch Curls to Press
A. 2:36; 2:28 🏃♂️
B1. 5+16 rx 🏃♂️🚣♂️ w/ Big Dan Guy
B2. 4:50 rx 🏃♂️🚣♂️ w/ Big Dan Guy
C. GHDs & Hip Extensions w/ Kyle F, Tyler C, and David G
2:30/2:28 bike
4/60 scaled with Kohana
2:26 & 2:16 bike
6+15 rx with Nathaniel & John Hand
4:29 rx
2:14 / 2:12 Run
6+11 Rx+ (Run/Row) w/Freeman
4:18 Rx+
A. Row: 2:10 / 2:17
B. 3 + 1 Rx (By myself)
C. 4:57 Rx (By myself)
A. 2:58 | 3:04 Bike
B1. 4+6 rx, solo
B2. 52 reps rx, solo