Warm up: Instructor led stretching and agility drills 2 rounds 4 barbell front squats 4 barbell push press 16 barbell jumps WOD: In 3:30 run 400m then complete with the remaining time as many Front Squats 115/80 as possible rest 3 minutes In 3:30 run 400m then complete with the remaining time as many push press 115/80 as possible rest 3 minutes In 3:30 run 400m then complete with the remaining time as many KBS 24/16 as possible rest 3 minutes In 3:30 run 400m then complete with the remaining time as many ab-mat unanchored sit-ups as possible SCORE = combined total reps accumulated after runs Powerlifting: A. high bar back squat: 1×5 @60%, 1×5 @70%, 1 x max reps @75%, rest 3minutes B. weighted pull ups: 3 x failure – 1 reps @ 60%, rest 3minutes C1. 3×10 glute-ham raises, rest 30seconds C2. 3×25 butterfly sit ups, rest 3oseconds