WOD: A. Power Snatch 3-2-1-1-1 E2MOM B. Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 20 minutes of: run 600m and 75/45 snatch, 20 reps run 600m and 95/65 snatch, 15 reps run 600m and 135/85 snatch, 10 reps run 600m and 165/105 snatch, AMRAP 55 and over Men/Women run 600m and 45/35 snatch, 20 reps run 600m and 75/55 snatch, 15 reps run 600m and 95/65 snatch, 10 reps run 600m and 115/80 snatch, AMRAP *One point for every 100m accomplished on last round for run*