WOD: A. Strict Press: 7 – 5 – 2/3 – 1/2 – 4/5 E2:30MOM B. Sprint Rounds: All Out Efforts! 3 minute AMRAP: 300m row max reps box jumps 30″/24″/20″/18″/12″ rest 2 minutes 3 minute AMRAP: 300m row max reps sumo deadlift high pull 115/80 or 95/65 or 75/55 rest 2 minutes 3 minute AMRAP: 300m row max reps shoulder to overhead 115/80 or 95/65 or 75/55 rest 2 minutes 3 minute AMRAP: 300m row max reps box jumps 30″/24″/20″/18″/12″ rest 2 minutes 3 minute AMRAP: 300m row max reps sumo deadlift high pull 115/80 or 95/65 or 75/55 rest 2 minutes 3 minute AMRAP: 300m row max reps shoulder to overhead 115/80 or 95/65 or 75/55 Score = total reps from all AMRAPs Check out Mason Dixon’s menu for next week. Nov16 To place an order, click here!