E4MOM = 500m Row x 3 sets or Assault Bike 1km x 3 sets or mix up Bike and Row (score is combined time of all 3 rows) For Time: -10 Reverse Burpee w/wallball 20/14 MRX 20/10bs -250m Row or 0.5km Bike -25 Sit-Ups (anchored) RX+ GHD Sit-Ups REST 2 minutes -10 Reverse Burpee w/wallball 20/14 MRX 20/10bs -200m Run or 0.5km Bike -20 V-Ups REST 2 minutes -10 Reverse Burpee w/wallball 20/14 MRX 20/10bs -500m Row or 1km Bike -50 Sit-Ups (anchored) RX+ GHD REST 2 minutes -10 Reverse Burpee w/wallball 20/14 MRX 20/10bs -400m Run or 1km Bike -40 V-Ups Click here to sign up for Catered Fit! Delivered daily to CFHSV! Once you sign up, you will receive the menu via email weekly.