Open WOD 22.3
For Time: (18min cap)
21 Pull-ups MRX Jumping Pull-ups
42 Double-Unders
21 Thrusters (weight 1)
18 Chest to Bar Pull-ups MRX Pull-ups
36 Double-Unders
18 Thrusters (weight 2)
15 Muscle-ups (bar) MRX Chest to Bar Pull-ups
30 Double-Unders
15 Thrusters (weight 3)
RX = 95/65lbs, 115/75, 135/85lbs
MRX = 65/45lbs, 85/65, 105/85lbs
Core & Guns Development
50 Barbell Curls
50 Overhead Barbell Extensions
25 Plate Hammer Curls
25 Overhead Plate Extensions
50 Dumbbell/Kettlebell Curls (alt arms/25ea)

15:22 Rx (somewhere around start of DUs at 12 min mark, 171 reps)
22.3: 165 Reps (12 min cap)
2 + 52 RX
51 reps better than 2 years ago
A. 2+31 scaled life (burpee c2b)
B. 🎒
17:22 rx
10:54 RX
12:42 rx
17:53 Rx (Couple’ah kang squat thrusters in there somewhere I’m sure)
14:39 rx
3/14/23: 11:11 rx
3/11/23: 11:42 rx
12:28 rx (212 reps at cap (11 thrusters @ 135)
8:58 RX
8:58 RX