For Time: 400m Run 25 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 24/16kgs RX+32/24 MRX 20/12 150′ Bear Crawl RX+ 50′ Handstand Walk MRX 100′ 400m ROW or 1km Assault Bike 25 Russian Kettlebell Swings 50 Double-Unders 400m Run 25 American Kettlebell Swings 150′ Bear Crawl RX+ 50′ Handstand Walk MRX 100′ 400m ROW or 1km Assault Bike 25 Irish Kettlebell Swings 50 Double Unders **DBs Irish Swing is – 1 Russian Swing to 1 American KBS = 1 Irish Swing** Core Development 15 Turkish Get-Ups x Each Arm 30 Shoulder Taps High Plank Hold x 2 45 V-Ups or 45 Hollow Rocks x 2 (1 of each)