“Operation Just Cause” by DB
For Time:(33min cap)
1 Round:
75 American Ranger Kettlebell Swings
75 Deadly Double Unders
REST 1min
2 Rounds:
20 PDF WallBall Shots
12 Macho-De-Monte Wallball Step-Ups
REST 2min
3 Rounds:
20 Paratrooper Pull-Ups MRX Ring Rows
23 American Deadlifts
325m Row for the Wounded
Wallballs = 20/14lbs to 10/9′ MRX 20/10 to 9′
Barbell Load = 225/155 RX+275/185 MRX185/125
Kettlebells = 24/16kgs RX+ 32/24 MRX 20/12kgs
Box Heights = 24/20″ RX+ 30/24″ MRX 20/18″
Grip Development
100m Kettlebell/Dumbbell Farmers Carry
23 Kettlebell/Dumbbell Curls
100m Plate Pinch Carry
23 Plate Pinch Curls
Suzanne!!! Gettin’ it done with a great attitude and encouragement for others! Always a treat to wod with this hardworking beast!
Came out way too hot..
31:47 rx
31:15 rx (4:56, 3:22, 19:57)
2022:28:48 rx (4:01, 2:48, 19:59)
2021: 27:20 rx (4:47, 2:51, 16:42)
2019: 27:54 rx w/ 32kg KB
26:39 rx
25:34 rx+
24:41 Rx+
2023 – ??:??
2022 – 25:40 Rx+
2021 – 27:14 Rx+
27:29 rx+
26:42 RX+
That’s a good soul right there!
30:46 rx
23:11 Rx+