*Prior to 4:00 complete:
3 rounds of:
8 Pull-ups RX+Chest to Bar MRX Ring Rows
8 Power Snatch 95/65 RX+115/75 MRX 75/55
32 Double-unders
Rest Remainder
*Prior to 8:00, complete:
3 rounds of:
6 Chest to Bar RX+ Muscle-Ups (bar or ring) MRX Pull-ups
6 Hang Snatch
6 Over the Bar Burpees
Rest Remainder
At 8min Start:
For Time: (12min cap)
12 Muscle-Ups or 18 Chest to Bar or 24 Pull-ups or 30 Ring Rows
12 Power Snatch
64 Double-unders
12 Hang Snatch
12 Over the Bar Burpees
6 Squat Snatch
*cannot start prior
*Score is last For Time
Core & Guns Development
50 Barbell Curls
50 Over Head Barbell Extensions
25 Plate Hammer Curls
25 Over Head Plate Extensions
50 Dumbbell/Kettlebell Curls (alt arms/25ea)