Warm-up: 10 minutes of focused gymnastic skill work on the kip and proper positioning in the HSPU. Workout: Five rounds for time of: 6 Handstand push-ups 12 Chest-to-bar pull-ups 24 Weighted walking lunges, 35 pound dumbbells Austin Malleolo 5:48, Josh Everett 6:22, Jesse Bazarnick 6:50, Kristan Clever 8:03 (35lb DBs), Laurie Galassi 8:39 (25lb DBs). Post time to comments. Cool-down: Find 8RM Powell Raise @ 3010 Find 8RM Dumbbell External Rotation @ 3010 Powerlifting:A: Find a 1RM high bar back squat @30×0; Rest as needed between lifts
B: Heavy touch and go Clean grip deadlift 3 x 20; Rest 2:00
C: Squat snatch x 1; Snatch balance x 2; Overhead squat x 3; Rest 1:30
D: Glute ham raises 5 x 15 @2121; Rest 1:00