May 2017

Sunday, May 7 2017

WOD: “JASON” For Time: 100 Squats 5 Muscle-Ups 75 Squats 10 Muscle-Ups 50 Squats 15 Muscle-Ups 25 Squats 20 Muscle-Ups S01 (SEAL) Jason Dale Lewis was killed by an IED while conducting combat operations in Southern Baghdad July 6, 2007. We name this workout “Jason” in honor of his life, family, and courage. Donna, Jack, Max, and

Sunday, May 7 2017 Read More »

Tuesday, May 2 2017

WOD: A. E2MOM Strength Rotation Stations: 2 rounds of: Station 1: 1-5-10-15 strict HSPU, rest 10 seconds, to 1-5-10-15 kipping HSPU Station 2: 1-5-10-15 strict pull-ups/chest-to-bar, rest 10 seconds, to 1-5-10-15 kipping pull-ups/chest-to-bar Station 3: 1-5-10-15 strict dips, rest 1o seconds, to 1-5-10-15 kipping dips (ring or bar) Station 4: 1-5-10-15 strict toes to bar, rest 10 seconds, to 1-5-10-15

Tuesday, May 2 2017 Read More »