Roxanne Song Warm-up *Every time they say Roxanne perform a burpee. “Nikoleta” by DB 3min AMRAP: Run or Row 400m Max Reps Ring Muscle-Ups MRX Max Chest to Bar Pull-Ups Rest 30sec 3min AMRAP: Row or Run 400m (opposite of last) Max Reps Bar Muscle-Ups MRX Max Ring or Bar Dips Rest 1min 2min AMRAP: Run or Row 200m Max Reps Chest to Bar Pull-Ups Rest 1:30sec 2min AMRAP: Row or Run 200m (opposite of last) Max Reps Pull-Ups Rest 2min 4min AMRAP: RUN 200m & ROW 200m Max Reps Burpee Pull-Ups
Thanksgiving Week Schedule! Thursday, November 22nd: Closed — Happy Thanksgiving! Friday, November 23rd: TWO classes only at 915AM and 1030AM. We WILL have childcare for both starting at 9AM. Saturday, November 24th: CFHSV Annual Iron Bowl WOD at 9AM. All other classes canceled. We WILL have childcare starting at 830AM. Sunday, November 25th: regular schedule