WOD With Warriors Veteran’s Day WOD “Armistice” Round 1: 9 minute AMRAP of: 100m sprint / 11 sit-ups / 11 air squats 100m sprint / 22 sit-ups / 22 air squats 110m sprint / 33 sit-ups / 33 air squats *add 11 to the sit-ups and the air squats for each additional round* 2 minute rest and reflection, then Round 2: 9 minute AMRAP of: 100m sprint / 11 push ups / 11 box jumps 24″/20″ 100m sprint / 22 push ups / 22 box jumps 24:/20″ 100m sprint / 33 push ups / 33 box jumps 24″/20″ *add 11 to the push ups and box jumps for each additional round* Reminder: We will only have classes today at 815am, 1130am and 415pm. WOD with Warriors is a functional fitness tribute workout held twice a year on Veterans and Memorial Day at gyms all throughout the country. Our vision is two-fold: 1. To help people remember and observe Veterans and Memorial Day in a respectful and meaningful way. 2. To provide an opportunity for Veterans to connect to members of their Community through functional fitness.