THANK YOU CrossFit Huntsville for showing your amazing support for our 2022 Barbells for Boobs fundraiser!
Together, you all raised $11,541! WAY TO GO and way to make a difference!
Congratulations to our raffle winners!
45lb Eleiko Hybrid Barbell — Billy Andrews
35lb Eleiko Hybrid Barbell — Beverly Marbut
6-Month Gold Membership — Regina Berg
Back Squat E3MOM
5 sets x 5 reps
For Time: (20min cap)
21 OHS 95/65 RX+115/75 MRX 75/55
1 Rope Climb 15′ MRX 1 at 10′
100 Doubles or 100 Barbell Moguls
21 Front Squats –
2 Rope Climbs 15′ MRX 1 at 15 / 2 at 10′
75 Doubles or 75 Barbell Moguls
21 Back Squats
3 Rope Climbs 15′ MRX 2 at 15 / 3 at 10′
50 Doubles or 50 Barbell Moguls
Core & Pistol Development
18 WB Leg Lifts
18 Pistols Left Leg
18 Evil Wheels
18 Pistols Right Leg
18 V-Ups w/15/10lb plate
18 KB Goblet Hold Reverse Lunges alt legs