Team Row or Bike Races For Time: (15 min cap)
Partner 1 – 30/25 Calories – Partner 2 – 30/25 Calories
Partner 1 – 25/20 Calories – Partner 2 – 25/20 Calories
Partner 1 – 20/15 Calories – Partner 2 – 20/15 Calories
Partner 1 – 15/12 Calories – Partner 2 – 15/12 Calories
*Only one rower/bike per team, one person working at a time*
Team WOD
15min AMRAP:
50 Russian Kettlebell Swings (synchronized)
50 Wallball-Sit-ups (partner passing; 25ea)
50 Kettlebell Swings (synchronized)
50 Wallball Shots (partner passing; 25ea)
Max Calorie Row / Bike (one partner in high plank, switch in 10 calorie increments
Kettlebells = 24/16kgs RX+32/24 MRX 20/12kgs
Wallballs = 20/14lbs to 10/9’ MRX 20/10lbs to 9’
Core, Guns & Grip Development
25 Barbell curls
25 Kettlebell Curls
2 Min High Plank Hold
25 Dumbbell Curls
2 Min Low Plank Hold
Can’t beat running in the rain with CrossFit! Get it young stud! Callaway doin what we do and reppin CrossFit Kids along the way
A. 8:11 🚣♂️ w/ Michael
B. 247 rx+ 🚣♂️ w/ Michael
C. Complete
Teamed up with Tyler at 0600, he tried to kill me
A: 10 flat, bike
B: 250 reps, bike
C: complete
9:20 row & 89 rx row, with big Kyle
Or 289 reps, rx row, I reckon
8:46 row
282 rx
w/ Adam
Teamed up with Zac !!
A. 10:15 Row
B. 213 Rx
A. 6:58
B. 333
With Sean
A. 8:36 🚲
B. 197 🚲
6:58 row
333 Rx+ row w/Griff