Team WODs: In 2 Athlete teams (P1) (P2)
WOD #1 “Aerobic Showdown”
2 Rounds For Time Row/Run or Bike of: (10min cap)
(P1) 400m Row/Run/ 1k Bike (slap hands)
(P2) 400m Row/Run/ 1k Bike (slap hands)…1Rd
(Rules = Athletes must switch every 400m/1k)
WOD #2 Team WOD Sprint Rounds
3min AMRAP:
(P1) 400m Row/Run/ 1k Bike
(P2) Max Power Cleans 135/95 RX+165/115 MRX 95/65
Rest 1min
3min AMRAP:
(P2) 400m Row/Run/ 1k Bike
(P1) Max Power Cleans
Rest 1min
3min AMRAP:
(P1) 400m Row/Run/ 1k Bike
(P2) Max WallBall Shots 20/14lbs to 10/9’ MRX 20/10 to 9′
Rest 1min
3min AMRAP:
(P2) 400m Row/Run/ 1k Bike
(P1) Max WallBall Shots
Rest 1min
3min AMRAP:
(P1) 400m Row/Run/ 1k Bike
(P2) Max Irish Kettlebell Swings 24/16kgs RX+32/24 MRX 20/12
*(1Russian to 1 American = 1 rep)*
Rest 1min
3min AMRAP:
(P2) 400m Row/Run/ 1k Bike
(P1) Max Irish Kettlebell Swings
**On AMRAPS, Starting Athlete has to complete Row/RunBike, before athlete 2 can start for reps*