Differing Deadlifts Build Up E2MOM
10 Barbell Deadlifts – 10 Right Arm Right Leg Kettlebell Deadlifts -10 Left Arm Left Leg Kettlebell Deadlifts
5 Barbell Deadlifts – 5 Right Arm Right Leg Kettlebell Deadlifts -5 Left Arm Left Leg Kettlebell Deadlifts
2 Barbell Deadlifts
“Deadly Sprint” by DB
For Time: (15min cap)
33 Deadlifts 225/155 RX+275/185 MRX 185/125
200m Row/Run or 0.5k Bike
REST 1min
21 Deadlifts
200m Row/Run or 0.5k Bike
REST 1min
15 Deadlifts
200m Row/Run or 0.5k Bike
REST 1min
9 Deadlifts
200m Row/Run or 0.5k Bike
Flexibility & Dead Development
2x30sec Hip Extension Hold
2x30sec Pigeon/Swan/Piriformis Stretch
2x30sec Couch Stretch or Modified Couch
2x30sec Head to Floor Straddle Stretch
2x30sec Hip Extension Hold
2x15sec Back Bridge/Arch
Spend 5min on Favorite Leg Stretches
a) 185- 2 Pd- 2 Pd -255 – white flame KB – white flame KB – 315
b) 10:23 Rx 🏃♂️ (2:38 / 5:36 / 8:07 / 10:23)
A. 225-315-345 w/ 32kg
B. 9:54 rx 🚴♂️
C. 🎒
10:57 RX+
Happy to be back at the 6:00AM
13:53 rx (bike)
11:14 rx run @6am class
Well, after 8 days of not working out, here it goes 😂😂😂 12:49 Rx @ 225 / Row
10:06 rx+ run
9:06 Rx bike
A. 225-315-385 32kg
B. 10:20 rx row
275 & 32kg all the way
9:07 RX+ (Row)
8:38 rx+
8:17 Rx Bike
10:02 Rx+ row
Michelle! Picture perfect overhead squat! She has her hands full keeping the back of the gym in line, but she gets the job done! Michelle is one heck of an athlete who knows how to train smart and hard! So glad she’s back in the gym!
A. 155 – 185 – 235
B. 10:01 rx (bike)
A. 225-315-334
B. 10:07 Rx Row
A. 245-285-325 & 24kg across
B. 8:25 RX+ (bike)
A: 255(10)x3 and 24(10L/10R)x3
B: 8:16, RX 225#/Run
(Splits – 1:33/1:23/1:17/1:03)
Great to see Michelle back at it, putting in work and keeping it fun. This lady trains hard and smart, and she’s always kind and easy to talk to. Michelle moves well and takes pride in doing so, and she’s always friendly and enjoys the gym with plenty of friends by her side. Nice looking overhead squat, Michelle!!
A. Barbell DLs @ 185(10) – 235(5) – 255(2)
Single leg KB DL 10s @ 24kg – 5@32kg
B. 9:16 RX+ row