WOD: Complete the following for time in any order or rep scheme desired: 2000m run OR 2500m row 50 HSPU OR 75 hand release push-ups 50 toes to bar OR 75 V-ups to war bar/PVC 50 GHDsit-ups OR 75 ab-matanchored sit-ups 50 chest to bar pull-ups OR 75 regular pull-ups 50 SDHP 95/65 OR 75 SDHHP 75/55 *You can intermix the 50 and 75 rep exercises as long as one exercise’s rep count is completed per line* Register NOW for the 2015 CrossFit Games Open! Choose CFHSV as your affiliate and join our CrossFit Huntsville TEAM! Reminder: We will have an Open Strategy and Information Meeting Saturday, February 21st at 11am! Whether you have already signed up, or are still undecided, come learn more about the Open at CFHSV!