Pull-Up/Muscle-Up & HSPU Training EMOM x 14 min Odd Min = 1-10 reps (based on ability) Ring Muscle-Ups, Bar Muscle-Ups, Chest to Bar Pull-ups, Pull-ups, Weighted, Strict , Chin-up etc Even Min = 1-10 reps (based on ability) Handstand Push-Up, Strict HSPU,Parallette HSPU, Free-Standing or Handstand Walks, Scaled any fashion to work HSPU i.e. 1-2 wall walks, to ab-mats, box etc WOD #1 5min AMRAP 4 Hang Power Clean & Jerks 135/95 RX+ 165/115 MRX 115/75 4 Over Bar Burpees 4 Bar or Ring Muscle-Ups MRX 4 C2B Rest 3min WOD #2 For Time: 25 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups MRX Pull-Ups 20 Over Bar Burpees 15 Hang Power Cleans 10 Jerks