Pull-Up and Muscle-Up Training
1min max strict pull-ups or ring rows
rest 2 minutes
1min max strict C2B or strict pull-ups or ring rows
rest 2 minutes
1min max strict MUs or strict C2B or strict pull-ups or ring rows
rest 2 minutes
1min max weighted MUs or weighted C2B or weighted pull-ups or ring rows
MainSite WOD (RX+)
For Time: (15min cap)
30 Bar Muscle-ups* RX+ ring MUs MRX 30 pull-ups & 30 bar dips
*every time you break, perform:
10 Box Jumps. 24/20″ RX+ 30/24″ MRX 20/18″
Core & Shoulder Development
Spend 3 minutes on banded shoulder stretches
10 skin the cats
Spend 3 minutes on PVC shoulder stretches
1min bird dog hold L arm R leg
1min ring or bar hang
1min bird dog hold R arm L leg
A. Strict pull-up training
B. 7:37 scaled life (6 c2b into 10 box jumps (x5))
C. 30 burpees, 🚴♂️, gun show w/ Freeman
What’s the wod today? I can’t see it online 👀
Strict pullups and strict C2B 10-6-10-6
7:32 scaled to 5 rounds of 6 strict pullups and 10 box jumps
Done in Sat open gym (10/5/24)
No 1min max pull efforts
3:47 BMU (16/8/6)