“BodyWeight BlowOut” by DB
3 Rounds for Reps of:
1min Bodyweight Deadlifts
1min Handstand Push-Ups MRX 2/4” rise or BW Shoulder to Overhead 1min Strict Pull-ups MRX Ring Rows
1min Barbell Push-ups MRX Push-ups
1min Toes to Bar
1min Rest
*Same format/score as Fight Gone Bad*
Core Development & Stretching
1min High Plank Hold
2x30sec Butterfly Stretch
2x30sec Straddle Stretch
20 Plate Curls
1min Right Side Plank Hold
30sec Couch Stretch each leg
20 Plate Presses
1min Left Side Plank Hold
30sec Splits Hold
20 Plate Ground to Overhead
1min Low Plank Hold
DATE CHANGE! FREE Nutrition Class! Saturday, April 16th at 10AM!