In two opposing teams-
Team 1 performs an 800m run Team 2 executes as many rounds as possible of the following:
1.5 pood Kettlebell snatch, 7 each arm
Pistols, 7 each leg
Once a member of team one finishes the run, that athlete may “tag” an athlete of team 2, which means that athlete must stop accumulating rounds. When all athletes from team 1 have tagged all working athletes from team 2, the round is complete. Rest 1 minute, switch, and repeat for two rounds.
A firm foundation: focusing on the feet – this looks very lengthy and boring but it’s worth the read, especially if you have foot problems or know someone who does.
“Rope-Climbing Techniques: The Spanish Wrap” by Adrian Bozman with Carl Paoli and Kim Bozman, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]