“DB’s EMOM Total”
For Max Load:
Min 1-5 = 1 rep Strict Press
Min 6-10 = 1 rep Power Clean
Min 11-15 = 1 rep Shoulder to Overhead
Min 16-20 = 1 rep Weighted Pull-Up
Min 21-25 = 1 rep Front Squat (can squat clean)
Min 26-30 = 1 rep Deadlift
*must perform 1 rep EMOM* for this Total, No Rest; stay on the EMOM and plan smartly*
**all lifts from floor; no racks
***ADD all 1RMs for Total, (if an athlete fails to stay on the EMOM in a category/lift or fails all lifts in that category = 0 lbs for that category)
Click here for video of Home WOD brief, movement demonstrations and warm-up!
Home WOD:
5 Rounds For Time:
15 Sit-Ups
5 Burpees
15 Air Squats
5 Burpees
15 Swings
5 Burpees
1 minute Run
In accordance with the recent mandates set forth by the Alabama Governor, CrossFit Huntsville will be closed from Sunday, March 29th through Friday, April 17th.
Equipment check out starts today at 10AM! All active members can borrow equipment to use at home during this time. Please reference our recent email for all the details.