“Wacked Out Helen”
For Time:
800m Run
42 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kgs RX+ 32/24 MRX 20/12kgs
24 Pull-Ups
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings
12 Pull-Ups
200m Run
11 Kettlebell Swings
6 Pull-ups
KettleBell Training & Core Development
10 Turkish Get-Ups Right Arm
15 Reverse Hypers or Hip/Back Extensions
10 Turkish Get-Ups Left Arm
15 Hip Extensions to Glute Ham Raise
At Home Version:
4 Minute Run
42 Swings with weighted object
24 Push-ups
2 Minute Run
21 Swings with weighted object
12 Push-ups
1 Minute Run
11 Swings with weighted object
6 Push-ups
Accessory Training:
10 Turkish Get-ups Right Arm
10 Turkish Get-ups Left Arm
(use any weighted object or perform with no weight focusing on technique)