WOD: “LINDA” aka, 3 bars of death 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of: Deadlift @ 1.5 x bodyweight Bench Press @ bodyweight/.75 x bodyweight Clean @ .75 x bodyweight REMINDER: We will be hosting The Open today at 1pm! (BBOLC is canceled)
WOD: “LINDA” aka, 3 bars of death 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of: Deadlift @ 1.5 x bodyweight Bench Press @ bodyweight/.75 x bodyweight Clean @ .75 x bodyweight REMINDER: We will be hosting The Open today at 1pm! (BBOLC is canceled)
3050 Leeman Ferry Rd, Huntsville, Alabama 35801
(256) 408-5990
3050 Leeman Ferry Rd, Huntsville, Alabama 35801
(256) 408-5990