Valentine’s Day WOD!
(Couples/Partners/Friends of 2 or Maybe 3)
Complete the following for time:
– 10 sets (5 each valentine alternating) of 5 Thrusters
(one valentine must be in Front rack position while the other works, once bars are picked up they cannot be set down. If bar is set down 5 burpee penalty)
– 50 (25 Ea) Partner Passing WallBall Sit-Ups
(use one of the couples WallBalls, anchored but dumbbell anchor points are 2 feet apart, ball must touch floor behind head, if ball dropped or missed 5 burpee penalty)
– 10 sets (5 ea valentine alt) of 5 Hand Release Push-ups
(one partner holds Plank and other partner does push-ups. Partner must be in plank while other does push-ups. Couple can rest on knees no penalty)
– 50 WallBall Passes over & across Pull-up bar
(use one of the couples WallBalls, must conduct full squat before the pass, if ball dropped or does not make it over 5 burpee penalty)
– 10 sets (5 ea valentine alt) of 5 Hang Power Snatch
(one valentine must be in Hang or Rack position while the other works, once bars are picked up they cannot be set down. If bar is set down 5 burpee penalty)
– 10 sets (5 ea valentine alt) of 5 Push Press
(one valentine must be in Front rack position while the other works, once bars are picked up they cannot be set down. If bar is set down 5 burpee penalty)
– 10 sets (5 ea valentine alt) of 5 Back Squat
(one valentine must be in Back rack position while the other works, once bars are picked up they cannot be set down. If bar is set down 5 burpee penalty)
– 500m Lover’s Row
(250m ea) one partner holds Plank and other partner Rows, switch, one must be in plank
* RXd weights are 95/65 – 20 or 14lb ball MRX 75/55 – 14 or 10lb ball RX+ 115/80 and 20lb ball; each valentine has their own bar, only ONE WallBall. * Penalty for setting down the bar or dropping the ball is 5 burpess (each valentine performs at the same time, then they can commence back with the workout)
* Couples need to plan their burpee penalty rest breaks smartly
* Couples can set the bar down between exercises to rest without penalty
*Remember you LOVE your Valentine
The OPEN kicks off Thursday, March 11th with the release of 21.1, the first Open WOD! Join hundreds of thousand other CrossFitters around the world and get signed up today! Choose CrossFit Huntsville as your affiliate, and we will add you to our CFHSV Team.
Learn more about the Open here!