Workout: “Bradley” 10 rounds for time of: Sprint 100 meters 10 Pull-ups Sprint 100 meters 10 Burpees Rest 30 seconds Kristan Clever 19:36, Rebecca Voigt 21:31. Post time to comments. Benchmarks: Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 “What Runs Through Your Mind?” from Shoreline CrossFit (CT). “Rest Days!” from Cynergy CrossFit (MA). Here are the winners for WOD for A.J. Male Tye Abell – 281 Josh Glasscock – 270** David Clem – 268 Jeff Barnett – 259** Matthew Reynolds – 231 Female Mandee Stearns – 208 Whitney – 207 Jordan Pepe – 200 Karen Hubbard 187 Lori Bean – 174**
Huge thank you to everyone who came out to show their support last night. We far exceeded our expectations and none of this would have been possible without your help! Special thanks to everyone who helped judged and made the event run smoothly. Congratulations to our winners!