Benchmark WOD
20min AMRAP:
Run 400meters
Max Rep Pull-Ups (once you come off bar have to run 400m)
Score is total Pull-ups completed in 20min
*compare to Feb 15, 2020; Feb 24, 2019; 24 Jun 24, 2017*
Core Development (2 rounds):
15 Russian Twists
15 V-Ups
15 Russian Twists
15 V-Ups
15 Hip Extensions
CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD:
1200m Run
24 Devils Press
800m Run
16 Devils Press
600m Run
12 Devils Press
400m Run
8 Devils Press
200m Run
4 Devils Press
CFHSV will be hosting Barbells For Boobs…
Monday, October 24th during all regularly scheduled classes!
* WOD * Raffle * Give aways *
Donate today and help CFHSV reach our fundraising goal and repeat as Alabama State Champions! Create your own fundraising page and join the team or donate to one of our other team members!
Or buy raffle tickets and make a donation on the day of the event!
And don’t forget to wear PINK!