Run/Row 600m or 1.5k Bike x 12min E4MOM
(score is slowest time of the 3)
REST 4min
Start WOD
For Time: (18min cap)
600m Run/Row or 1.5k Bike
50 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/55 RX+95/65 MRX 45/35lbs
50 Toes to Bar MRX 50 Knees to Navel
50 Shoulder to Overhead
600m Run/Row or 1.5k Bike
Core & Guns Development
25 Barbell Curls
25 Glute Ham Raises
25 Dumbbell Hammer Curls
25 Hip Extensions
25 Plate Pinch Curls
CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD:
400m run
10 Plate G2O
100m OH Plate Walk
800m run
20 Plate G2O
100m OH Plate Walk
1200m run
40 Burpees
800m run
20 Plate G2O
100m OH Plate Walk
400m run
10 Plate G2O
100m OH Plate Walk
CFHSV will be hosting Barbells For Boobs…
Monday, October 24th during all regularly scheduled classes!
* WOD * Raffle * Give aways *
Donate today and help CFHSV reach our fundraising goal and repeat as Alabama State Champions! Create your own fundraising page and join the team or donate to one of our other team members!
Or buy raffle tickets and make a donation on the day of the event!
And don’t forget to wear PINK!