THANK YOU to all CFHSV athletes, friends and families who came out to support Barbells for Boobs last Saturday! So far, our team has raised over $3700! Awesome work CFHSV! WOD: #1 In 4 minutes run 400m, then complete with the remaining time as many strict press 75/55, 95/65, 115/80, 135/95 as possible rest 2 minutes #2 In 4 minutes run 400m, then complete with the remaining time as many power cleans 75/55, 95/65, 115/80, 135/95 as possible rest 2 minutes #3 In 4 minutes run 400m, then complete with the remaining time as many push press 75/55, 95/65, 115/80, 135/95 as possible rest 2 minutes #4 In 4 minutes run 400m, then complete with the remaining time as many squat cleans 75/55, 95/65, 115/80, 135/95 as possible rest 2 minutes #5 In 4 minutes run 400m, then complete with the remaining time as many push jerk 75/55, 95/65, 115/80, 135/95 as possible SCORE = combined total reps accumulated after runs and list weight used CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: 3 rounds: 30 second centipede plank hold rest 5 minutes, then 5k time trial (compare to 9/28/13) meet at Cross Country Course at 8am REMINDER: Hand Care Workshop today at 11am!