4 Rounds For Time: (40min cap)
22 Burpee Pull-ups MRX 22 Ring Rows & 22 Burpees
22 Back Squats 185/125lbs MRX 115/75
Run 200m with a 45/35lb plate Overhead MRX 25/15
*compare to 23 May 21; 30 Nov 20*
U.S. Army First Lieutenant Jonathan P. Walsh, 28, of Cobb, GA, assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 504th Infantry, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, based in Fort Bragg, NC, died on April 22, 2012, in Paktia, Afghanistan, when enemy forces attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his wife Debbra, son Austin, parents Carolyn and Paul, and brother Christopher.
Core, Guns & Grip Development
100m Plate Pinch Carry
22 Plate Hammer Curls
100m KB Heavy Farmer’s Carry
22 Plate Hammer Curls
40 Double KB/DB Curls
3 round of:
800m run
rest 1 minute
2 x 100m sprint
100m recovery walk between efforts
400m run
rest 1 minute
200m sprint
*Rest 2 minutes between rounds*