For Time: (35min cap)
400m Run/Row or 1k Bike
20 Dumbbell Snatch (Right arm)
10 Dumbbell Push-up (Left arm)
20 Toes to Bar or WallBall Sit-ups 20/14lbs MRX 20/10
10 Dumbbell Push-up (Right arm)
20 Dumbbell Snatch (Left arm)
800m Run/Row or 2k Bike
40 Dumbbell Snatch (alt arms)
20 Dumbbell Push-up (Left arm)
40 Toes to Bar or WallBall Sit-ups
20 Dumbbell Push-up (Right arm)
40 Dumbbell Snatch (alt arms)
400m Run/Row or 1k Bike
20 Dumbbell Snatch (Right arm)
10 Dumbbell Push-up (Left arm)
20 Toes to Bar or WallBall Sit-ups
10 Dumbbell Push-up (Right arm)
20 Dumbbell Snatch (Left arm)
DBs = 50/35lbs RX+65/70/75 – 45/50/55 MRX35/20
Core, Guns & Grip Development
-20 Barbell Curls to 1min High Plank Hold
-20 DB/KB Curls (alt arms) to 1min Hollow Hold
-20 Plate Pinch Curls to 1min Low Plank Hold
Running & Endurance
4 x 1,000m Run
*after each 1,000m run:
40 Plate Jumps
20 Ground to Overhead with Plate
10 Overhead Plate Lunges
34:21 RX+ 45#
32:15 RX+ 65#
27:36 ( Row / 70lb )
Messed up order on first round. Completed 20 left arm snatch before DB pushups.
29:42 rx+ (row/ 70#)
Yesterday’s workout –
A: HPC – 135(10)-155(8)-175(6)-190(4)-210(2)-235-250
B: 6:31, Scaled (All RX, but 7 strict pull-ups+7 strict ring dips ilo 7 MUs)