Run/Row 200m or 0.5k Bike x 8min E2MOM
(score is slowest time of the 4)
MainSite WOD (RX+)
4 Rounds For Time: (16min cap)
400m Run/Row or 1k Bike
15 Box Jumps 30/24” RX+36/30” MRX 24/20”
6min Isometric EMOM Challenge:
Min 1 = Bar/Rings Dip Hold or L-Sit Hold
Min 2 = Hip Ext Hold
Min 3 = Bar/Rings Hang
Min 4 = High Plank Hold
Min 5 = Hollow Hold Min
6 = Low Plank Hold
*must go straight from hold/hang to next in order*
2 rounds of:
800m run
20 DB snatch
400m run
20 DB squats
200m run
20 over DB burpees
200m single DB carry