WOD: A. In 15 minutes, achieve a 20RM TnG Deadlift B. “Don Garlits Drags” by DB E4MOM: Race 1: 21/18 calorie row RX+ 19/17 calorie bike (MRX 18/15 calorie row) 9 deadlifts 275/175 RX+ 315/215 (MRX 225/125) Race 2: 21 KBS 24/16kg RX+ 32/24kg (MRX 20/12kg) 9 burpee box jumps/step ups 24/20″ RX+ 30/24″ Race 3: 9 deadlifts 275/175 RX+ 315/215 (MRX 225/125) 21/18 calorie row RX+ 19/17 calorie bike (MRX 18/15 calorie row) Race 4: 9 burpee box jumps/step ups 24/20″ RX+ 30/24″ 21 KBS 24/16kg RX+ 32/24kg (MRX 20/12kg) Race 5: 9 deadlifts 275/175 RX+ 315/215 (MRX 225/125) 21 toes to bar CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: Run as far as you can in 90 seconds at an easy pace, Rest for 10 seconds and turn around, Run as far as you can back in 90 seconds Repeat Run as far as you can in 60 seconds at a moderate pace, Rest for 10 seconds and turn around, Run as far as you can back in 60 seconds Repeat Run as far as you can in 90 seconds at an easy pace, Rest for 10 seconds and turn around, Run as far as you can back in 90 seconds Repeat TEST – Run 600m, Rest 15 seconds, Run 600m Workout Details The objective for this workout is to create an awareness for your pace and an ability to maintain that based on feel. You will run as far as you can in the time domain, turn around, and try to make it back to the clock just as it beeps; no slower, no faster. There will be a 2:00 rest period between each repetition of the workout as well as before the Test. For the Test, you will record your 600m run time and try to match that as closely as possible on the repeat attempt applying the experience from the previous training. *inspired by Chris Hinshaw of aerobiccapacity.com*The CrossFit Games OPEN kicks off Thursday, February 23rd! Get signed up today and make sure you join the CrossFit Huntsville Team!If you plan on participating in The OPEN, or if you are interested but aren’t sure what The OPEN is all about, join us for an informational meeting Saturday, February 4th at 11AM.