Main Site Benchmark WOD
“Barbara Ann”
5 Rounds For Time: (40min cap)
20 Handstand Push-Ups MRX 2″/4″ rise
30 Deadlifts 135/95 MRX 95/65
40 Sit-ups (barbell, anchored)
50 Double Unders
rest 3 minutes between rounds
*compare to 24 Sept 23; 11 Sept 22*
Flexibility Development
Spend 3 minutes on banded shoulder stretches
2x30sec Couch stretch
2x30sec Head to floor straddle stretch
Spend 3 minutes on PVC shoulder stretches
2x30sec Butterfly stretch
2x30sec American splits
25:51 Rx
(2:42 / 2:45 / 2:43 / 2:50 / 2:51)
A. 4+90 scaled life (hspu/pu)
35:02 rx
(3:29, 3:47, 4:45, 5:18, 6:02)
37:49 Rx
4:50, 4:57, 4:54, 5:33, 5:39
I spent quite a bit of time in astonishment of Alex moving so fast through his round
26:20 scaled HSPU to 5 wall walks each round
35:45 scaled hspu to low ring push ups
36:12 Rx
28:05, scaled
– all rx, but 20 pushpress @95# ILO hspu