For Max Load E2MOM x 14min
1 Hang Power Snatch to 1 Power Snatch
15min AMRAP:
9 Alternating Legs Toes to Bar
15 Hang Power Snatch 95/65 RX+115/75 MRX 75/55
21 Calorie Row/Assault Bike
400m Run
UnBroken/Straight Through Challenge:
1min High Plank Hold 1 Push-up E10Sec
11 Barbell Sit-Up to Press
1min Hollow Hold
11 Push-Ups
1min Low Plank Hold
11 Evil Wheels
CFHSV will be hosting Barbells For Boobs Monday, October 26th during all regularly scheduled classes!
* WOD * Raffle * Give aways *
Donate today and help CFHSV reach our fundraising goal and repeat as Alabama State Champions! Create your own fundraising page and join the team or donate to one of our other team members!
And don’t forget to wear PINK!