Warm up: 400m run 2 rounds 5 ring rows 5 squats 5 push ups bear crawl wall to wall WOD: A. 500m row 15 burpees 10 T2B 5 pull ups rest 3 minutes Repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 rounds. Go as fast as possible on each round B. 2 alternating rounds of: 10 evil wheels 20 butterfly ab-mat sit ups Powerlifting: A. shoulder press 1×3 @65%, 1×3 @75%, 1 x max reps @80%, rest 3minutes between B. front squat 1×3 @65%, 1×3 @75%, 1 x max reps @80%, rest 3minutes between C1. 3×10 Russian step ups, rest 30seconds C2. 3×10 weighted sit ups, rest 30seconds