WOD: A. In 12 minutes, build up to a 1RM power clean to power jerk B. Complete the following for time of: 5 ground to overhead 105/70 RX+ 145/100 (55 and over 85/60) 10 OHS 105/70 RX+ 145/100 (55 and over 85/60) 5 ground to overhead 105/70 RX+ 145/100 (55 and over 85/60) 20 front squats 105/70 RX+ 145/100 (55 and over 85/60) 5 ground to overhead 105/70 RX+ 145/100 (55 and over 85/60) 30 back squats 105/70 RX+ 145/100 (55 and over 85/60) 5 ground to overhead 105/70 RX+ 145/100 (55 and over 85/60)