Front Squat Max E3MOM
5-10 @ 50-75% – 3-5 @ 65-85% – 1-2 @ 75-90% – 1@ 90-100% – 1 @Max – 1 @ Max
*percents, are a guide, adjust as needed to hit a max*
“Quick Decisions” by DB
13min AMRAP:
3 Muscle Ups / 6 Chest to Bar / 9 Pull-ups / 12 Ring Rows
6 Overhead Lunges / 12 Front Rack Lunges / 24 BodyWeight Lunges
12 Box Jump Overs / 48 Double Unders
**Athletes can change decisions each round**
Barbell Weights = 95/65 RX+115/75 MRX 75/55lbs
Box Height’s = 24/20” RX+ 30/24 MRX 20/18”
Flexibility & Squat Development
2x30sec Overhead Squat Hold
2x30sec Pigeon/Swan/Piriformis Stretch
2x30sec Couch Stretch or Modified Couch
2x30sec Head to Floor Straddle Stretch
2x30sec Wall Iron Chair Sit Holding 15/10lb plate
2x15sec Back Bridge/Arch
Spend 5min on Favorite Leg Stretches
a) 345 (failed 360 twice)
b) 5+1 Rx+ (Ring MUs, OH lunge, DUs)
A. 135-205-225-255-275(x)-275(x)
B. 😀 (rr, bwl, bjov)
C. 📚
7 rounds rx (RMU, OH lunge, alt rounds of box jump overs and DU)
A. 300
B. 6 + 3 rx+
– 3 ring MUs
– 12 front rack lunges
– double unders
305 PR
7 RX+ (rmu, ohs, dubs)
A: 115(8)-185(5)-235-265-285
B: 6+21, RX
(95#/9 PUs/12 FRLs/Alt 48 DUs & 12 BJOs)
A. 245 failed 255
B. 5+10 Rx+ (BMU, OHL, BJO)
335 had to pump da brakes a little bit. Lots of hiking over the weekend
7+3 Rx
OH lunge @115
BJO @ 24”
Christian talks a lot, but today that boy backed it up. 8+ a lot @ RX +. Shoutout