Build Up From Floor E2MOM
8 Strict Press – 6 Push Press – 4 Split Jerk
6 Strict Press – 4 Push Press – 2 Split Jerk
4 Strict Press – 2 Push Press – 1 Split Jerk
12min AMRAP:
12/10 Calorie Row/Bike or 200m Run
12 Cleans 95/65 RX+115/75 MRX 75/55lbs
12 Shoulder to Overhead
12 Toes to Bar or Wallball Sit-ups 20/14lbs MRX 20/10lbs
Core, Shoulder & Handstand Development
12 Wall Walks
1min Forward Facing Handstand Hold
2 sets Handstand Walk 50’ (progressions etc.)
1min High Plank Hold
2min Low Plank Hold
Congratulations to CFHSV Athlete and Coach, Bailey Bentley!
On behalf of Bailey, CrossFit Huntsville is proud and excited to share that Bailey has qualified for the 2023 North America East CrossFit Semifinals!
Bailey started her CrossFit journey at the age of 17 at CFHSV. The first photo was taken after her first class at our old gym in May of 2015. As evident by her smile, she fell in love instantly. In May of 2023, 8 years later, she’ll be competing against the best in the world at Semifinals in Orlando, Fl.
Through the years, Bailey continued CrossFitting, becoming a coach while she was in college and then continuing as both an athlete and a coach when she returned to Huntsville after graduation. Once Bailey decided she was ready to maximize her natural abilities with purpose driven training, she took it to the next level. CFHSV couldn’t be prouder of the person she is and the way she has trained fearlessly, tirelessly, and with total integrity. We truly cannot wait to watch Bailey compete with the best!