Run/Row 800m or 2K Bike x 18 minutes E6MOM
score is slowest time of the 3 efforts, can mix up
Main Site WOD
12 minute AMRAP:
4 Wall Walks
8 Chest To Bar Pull-ups MRX Chin Over Bar Pull-Ups
12 Overhead One Arm Dumbbell/Kettlebell lunges (forward or reverse)
Dumbbells = 50/35 MRX 35/20
Kettlebells = 24/16 MRX 16/12
Core Development & Stretching
2 x 12 GHD sit-ups
2 x 30sec butterfly stretch
2 x 30sec straddle stretch
2 x 12 strict Toes to Bar
2 x 30sec couch stretch each leg
2 x 12 V-ups
2 x 30sec splits hold
2 x 12 weighted sit-ups
🔥 🔥
800m row e6mom x 3: 2:52.4, 2:45.9, 2:48.8
5 rounds rx
Beverly seems low key when she walks through the door but she can bring it any day she wants – girl is strong 💪💪
3:59, 3:46, 3:44 run
2 rds Rx, kb forward lunges
3:35/3:32/3:25 bike
4+1 scaled lunges to goblet squats and ghds
A. 3:12 (3:12-3:09-3:07)
B. 4 Rx
A. 3:09 (2:49 Bike / 3:09 Run / 2:58 Row)
B. 7 Rx (DB, alternating btwn forward/reverse lunges each round)
A. Run – 3:15 – 3:12 – 3:09
B. 5 rounds rx