Thruster: E3MOM
5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1
OPEN WOD 19.1 (RX’D)
15 Minute AMRAP of:
19 WBS 20/14 10’/9′ (Masters 55+ 20/10 9′)
19 Calorie Row
OPEN WOD 19.1 (Scaled)
15 Minute AMRAP of:
19 WBS 14/10 10’/9′ (Masters 55+ 14/10 8′)
19 Calorie Row
There’s still plenty of time to sign up for The OPEN!
We will be hosting the Open today at 915AM and 515PM.
Our 915am, 515pm and 615pm classes are canceled.
We will have childcare for the 915AM session.