Death by Hang Power Clean EMOM x 10min
1 rep 1st min, 2 reps 2nd min, 3 reps 3rd min… up to 10 reps at 10min
“Pick a Challenging weight, yet achievable”
13min AMRAP:
6 Power Cleans 135/95 RX+165/115 MRX 95/65
7 Hang Cleans
13 Over the Box Jumps
13 Dips (ring or bar) or 26 Push-Ups RX+ Strict Ring Dips
Box Heights = 24/20” RX+30/24” MRX 20/18”
Core Isometrics
1min L-sit Hang (bar/rings)
1min Knee Bird Dog Hold Left/Right
1min Hollow Hold
1min Knee Bird Dog Hold Right/Left
1min GHD Sit-Up Hold
1min Hip Extension Hold
1min High Plank Hold
1min Low Plank Hold
Mi amigo
Sean the Don Freeman. A dang good dude, freak of nature in the gym and absolute menace to society. Keep doing you’re thing, kid!
There’s no box too high, weight too heavy, or run too long for this guy. You’ll find Sean Double-Don putting in the extra skill/strength/technique work daily that has earned him the awesome nickname. Keep grinding, buddy.
Death by HPC @185
5+15 Rx+
A. 165 across
B. 3+15 rx (dips)
C. 📚
5+2 rx
At home
A. 155
B. 4+5 rx w/ push ups
185 across
4+3 rx string ring dips
Sean the Double Don is a stud, keep it up, pal.
Thank you all! wouldn’t want to be anywhere else other then this amazing community of some stud athletes, wish I was there to give this one a go!
4 Rx (Ring Dips)
A – 185 across
B – 3 + 0 Rx
Believe it or not, he uses these moves on the dance floor too. The Don always showing up to throw down!
135 across
4+19 rx ring dips
A. Death by HPC @ 165 completed
B. 2 Rx @ 135 / Pushups