50 foot shuttle runs- running, back-pedaling, bear-crawl, crab-walk, leap-frog, buddy-carry
Burgener warm-up and snatch drills
As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of :
55 pound Hang-power snatches, 10 reps
Plank-Burpees, 10 reps
Immediately transition into Free-standing Hand-stand balance work!
Post time to comments.
YUM- try Berries and “Cream”… another creation from Robert Simmons
When your blood sugar isn’t normal (part 1)
Below are the current nominees for our Athlete committee positions. All name are alphabetically listed by first name. If you want to add your name to the list, or withdraw from one of your nominations, please let us know soon!
Women’s social coordinator nominees: Emily Davis, Katie Glasscock, Penelope Smith
Men’s social coordinator nominees: Brian Strickland, Garrett Davis
Competitive events coordinator nominees: Christy Bergin, Kevin Lowe
Community rep nominees: Ryan Penton, Penelope Smith
New member welcomer nominees (3 positions available): Benjamin Jarrell, Carson Wakefield, Christy Bergin, Emily Davis, Kerri Wellendorf, Robert Simmons, Stacey Penton
President: Amanda Jarrett, Robert Simmons, Stacey Penton
And here is a short and sweet question for our nominees: How would the existence of your position help our gym?
Oh, and check out the latest revision of the Athlete Band Tracker… I made some numerical typos on the rankings at the very bottom, which has apparently crushed a few peoples dreams….Sorry! Won’t be the last time I do that I’m sure.